a) Will the NutSac really improve my game? 

Yes, of course. 

b) How does this work?

By focusing on your best discs you’ll actually perfect your skills. Which would you rather have? Average skill with 20 discs? Or awesome skill with six… or one? 

c) Are NutSacs Made in USA?

Yepperoo! NutSacs are Made in USA (with both foreign and domestic components)! Always made with American Labor!

d) Can women carry a NutSac? 

Heck yes! Some of our best friends are women! And definitely some of our best customers. We have a NutSac for everyone!

e) Will you be making other disc golf bags?


f) Will you be re-releasing the Double Disc Golf Bag?


g) Why did the price go up?

Once upon a time, not long ago, a great American company we’ll call Car-Fart bought all their canvas from American textile manufacturers in Georgia. But chasing profits they decided to send their business overseas. Sadly, this caused the Georgia textile mill, one of the last remaining in the USA, to close. 

We used to purchase Car-Fart canvas and build our bags from that material. 

With the mill closed we could no longer find suitable canvas, and we thought this was the end of the line for NutSac DGB. But fortunately we discovered an amazing material from the folks who supply our Waxed Canvas. So we bought a bunch of colors and re-released the Single with the heavy duty 18oz commercial water resistant canvas. 

However the cost of the new fabric is about 500% more, and labor costs are way up (you might have noticed). So we did what we had to do and raised the price, confident that our friends would continue to support us. 

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